About Guerrilla Radio Company

Guerrilla Radio Co. was established in 2007 with the goal of resurrecting the legendary name of underground radio communications whose origins began in WWII at the time of the Japanese invasion of the Philippines circa 1941.

The GR concept got a brief adrenaline injection in the late 1990s with the recording of a song by the same name courtesy of RATM in 1999. This was a fitting tribute in its own right, and a classic song, no doubt.

The reborn modern is focused on keeping the flame lit by honoring the most storied name in the history of underground radio. We aim to keep the legend of Guerrilla Radio free of dust and on the cutting edge of technology and modern music.

For 16 years, has been the home of alternative Internet radio playing Rock N’ Roll genres of many stripes, including but not limited to Hard Rock, Punk, Metal, Psychedelic, Garage, Indie, Fuzz, Stoner, Hardcore, Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Industrial, Surf, Reggae, Ska, Folk, Funk, R&B, Soul, Fusion, Progressive, Alternative, Blues, Jazz, and many others.


You can listen to GR using a dozen or more apps:

Desktop options

For desktop, the best listening experience is the player on Guerrilla Radio’s home page >>

If you prefer a ‘pop-out’ player, launch the desktop pop-out player from RCAST here >>

Aside from these options, the desktop versions of iHeart & TuneIn are also great. You can listen via TuneIn, iHeart & MyTuner right from our website (links in the menu) or listen on the main sites from these apps (linked below).

Another option (if you’re a little old-school) is Winamp. Winamp is still a great desktop music player and radio tuner... maybe the best. Just download Winamp and search for Guerrilla Radio >>

iHeart Desktop Player >>

TuneIn Desktop Player >>

Winamp Player >>

mobile Options

You’ve got a ton of options on mobile. Here are some of the best:

TuneIn, iHeart, MyTuner, Radio.Net, Online Radio Box, Deezer, Simple Radio and XiiaLive. There are many others, but you can’t go wrong with any of these. You can also get Guerrilla Radio on your Sonos, or through the AI of your choice.

AI optionS

Example: “Alexa, play Guerrilla Radio Station on iHeart Radio”


* Who Dares Wins

** Stronger than Dirt

*** Rock is Dead. Long Live Rock
